Total Number of People in Tree
Total Number of Direct-Line Ancestors
1278 (256 maternal, 1002 paternal)
Direct-Line Ancestors
Earliest Known Relatives
Torvild - Born abt 1368
Jorgen Torvildsen - Born abt 1400
William A'Dene - Born 1428
Gunnar Jorgenson - Born abt 1435
Lived the longest
Major Watson - 107 years
Johanna Roos -101 years
Elizabeth Sluder - 99 years
Lived the shortest
John Staton - 21 years
Ann Woods - 26 years
Married the most times
John Gildon - 3 times
Alice Glover - 3 times
Andrew Knud Tollefson - 3 times
Divorce Rate
Most Common First Names
John (81), William (41), Thomas (32), James (19), Henry (18), Richard (18), Peter (16), George (13), Nicholas (11).
Elizabeth (49), Mary (42), Margaret (31), Sarah (23), Catherine (18), Ann (13), Jane (12), Anna (10).
All Relatives
Lived the longest
Thomas Scranton - 109 years
Daisy Overton - 108 years
Thomas Jefferson Bell - 107 years
Married the most times
Seth Wade Brookshire - 4 times
Hazel Audry Hughes - 4 times
Family with the most children
Murray Elijah Averett & Martha Elizabeth Alexander - 17 children
Most Common First Names
John (258), William (157), James (104), Thomas (92), Robert (75), Joseph (70), George (67), Peter (59).
Mary (172), Elizabeth (156), Sarah (88), Margaret (87), Anna (66), Catherine (58), Nancy (54).